Tik Tok Made Me- Odd Sandwich

I love sandwiches but have a weird texture issue with some kinds of sandwiches.   I will only eat peanut butter and jelly on white bread and lunch meat on a roll, grinder, or wrap.  Well, now I can add another method to the mix.  I saw a video where a woman made her boyfriend a sandwich on red peppers instead of using any kind of bread.  I love peppers so you know I had to try it.

The video called for cream cheese, lunch meat, cheese, and everything but the bagel seasoning.  For my first attempt, I omitted the cream cheese as I am not a fan (unless it's cheesecake). I used oven roasted turkey and cheddar cheese. I have to say the sweetness of the pepper really complimented the "sandwich".  I'm all about bread and don't mind the carbs, but this is a really healthy way to cut carbs out if you are so bold. 

Are you checking out Tik Tok? What recipe did you try?

