Hey there! We're a brand new blog looking to share stories from all different kinds of families. If you've ever thought of writing for a blog, we'd love to have you participate. You can submit your posts ideas via message on our Facebook Page or fill out the Contact Form on the blog!
My name is Vanessa. I'm a married mom of 2 and, like you, I have so many stories to share. I am an introvert, but even I'm feeling out of sorts during this whole global pandemic/social distancing situation. In addition to my wife and mom "hats", I'm also an Avon lady and a blog contributor for Mommy's Block Party.
I look forward to getting to know all of you as we form our community.
The ultimate goal here is to provide a fun place for people to visit where they feel welcome and part of the community, or as I like to call it, our village.
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